( function($) { var TiledGallery = function() { this.resizeTimeout = null; this.populate(); var self = this; $( window ).on( 'resize', function () { clearTimeout( self.resizeTimeout ); self.resizeTimeout = setTimeout( function () { self.resize(); }, 150 ); } ); // Make any new galleries loaded by Infinite Scroll flexible $( 'body' ).on( 'post-load', $.proxy( self.initialize, self ) ); // Populate and set up captions on newdash galleries. $( document ).on( 'page-rendered.wpcom-newdash', $.proxy( self.populate, self ) ); this.resize(); }; TiledGallery.prototype.populate = function() { this.gallery = $( '.tiled-gallery' ); this.item = this.gallery.find( '.tiled-gallery-item' ); this.caption = this.gallery.find( '.tiled-gallery-caption' ); this.Captions(); }; TiledGallery.prototype.initialize = function() { var self = this; self.populate(); // After each image load, run resize in case all images in the gallery are loaded. self.gallery.find( 'img' ).off( 'load.tiled-gallery' ).on( 'load.tiled-gallery', function () { self.resize(); } ); // Run resize now in case all images loaded from cache. self.resize(); }; /** * Story */ TiledGallery.prototype.Captions = function() { /* Hide captions */ this.caption.hide(); this.item.hover( function() { $( this ).find( '.tiled-gallery-caption' ).slideDown( 'fast' ); }, function() { $( this ).find( '.tiled-gallery-caption' ).slideUp( 'fast' ); } ); }; TiledGallery.prototype.resize = function() { var resizeableElements = '.gallery-row, .gallery-group, .tiled-gallery-item img'; this.gallery.each( function ( galleryIndex, galleryElement ) { var thisGallery = $( galleryElement ); // All images must be loaded before proceeding. var imagesLoaded = true; thisGallery.find( 'img' ).each( function () { if ( ! this.complete ) { imagesLoaded = false; return false; } } ); if ( ! imagesLoaded ) { var loadCallback = arguments.callee; // Once all of the images have loaded, // re-call this containing function. $( window ).load( function () { loadCallback( null, thisGallery ); } ); return; } if ( ! thisGallery.data( 'sizes-set' ) ) { // Maintain a record of the original widths and heights of these elements // for proper scaling. thisGallery.data( 'sizes-set', true ); thisGallery.find( resizeableElements ).each( function () { var thisGalleryElement = $( this ); // Don't change margins, but remember what they were so they can be // accounted for in size calculations. When the screen width gets // small enough, ignoring the margins can cause images to overflow // into new rows. var extraWidth = ( parseInt( thisGalleryElement.css( 'marginLeft' ), 10 ) || 0 ) + ( parseInt( thisGalleryElement.css( 'marginRight' ), 10 ) || 0 ); var extraHeight = ( parseInt( thisGalleryElement.css( 'marginTop' ), 10 ) || 0 ) + ( parseInt( thisGalleryElement.css( 'marginBottom' ), 10 ) || 0 ) // In some situations, tiled galleries in Firefox have shown scrollbars on the images because // the .outerWidth() call on the image returns a value larger than the container. Restrict // widths used in the resizing functions to the maximum width of the container. var parentElement = $( thisGalleryElement.parents( resizeableElements ).get( 0 ) ); if ( parentElement && parentElement.data( 'original-width' ) ) { thisGalleryElement .data( 'original-width', Math.min( parentElement.data( 'original-width' ), thisGalleryElement.outerWidth( true ) ) ) .data( 'original-height', Math.min( parentElement.data( 'original-height' ), thisGalleryElement.outerHeight( true ) ) ); } else { thisGalleryElement .data( 'original-width', thisGalleryElement.outerWidth( true ) ) .data( 'original-height', thisGalleryElement.outerHeight( true ) ); } thisGalleryElement .data( 'extra-width', extraWidth ) .data( 'extra-height', extraHeight ); } ); } // Resize everything in the gallery based on the ratio of the current content width // to the original content width; var originalWidth = thisGallery.data( 'original-width' ); var currentWidth = thisGallery.parent().width(); var resizeRatio = Math.min( 1, currentWidth / originalWidth ); thisGallery.find( resizeableElements ).each( function () { var thisGalleryElement = $( this ); thisGalleryElement .width( Math.floor( resizeRatio * thisGalleryElement.data( 'original-width' ) ) - thisGalleryElement.data( 'extra-width' ) ) .height( Math.floor( resizeRatio * thisGalleryElement.data( 'original-height' ) ) - thisGalleryElement.data( 'extra-height' ) ); } ); thisGallery.removeClass( 'tiled-gallery-unresized' ); } ); }; /** * Ready, set... */ $( document ).ready( function() { // Instance! var TiledGalleryInstance = new TiledGallery; }); })(jQuery);